Drawing the line: A Review of Research on Women’s Football

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Martín Alvarez Litke


Although the subject of gender has been present in sports studies in Argentina from the start, there are still very few studies that analyze the participation of women in the most important sport in the country: football. This article aims to be a contribution in this aspect, analyzing the incipient local bibliography on women's football, in light of the more extended international production on the subject, showing the main findings, silences, and the questions that remain pending. We recover the contributions of research on the sexuality and corporality of the athletes, taking into account the possibilities of rearticulation of the sex-gender-desire order that derive from the practice of football, and propose the need to carry out ethnographic research on the identitary construction of the women players and the meanings their practice acquires.


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Alvarez Litke, M. (2018). Drawing the line: A Review of Research on Women’s Football. Cuestiones De Sociología, (18), e055. https://doi.org/10.24215/23468904e055
Notas de investigación


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